Reminder- OLHC Cell Phone Use Policy

A reminder to all students and families that a cell phone use policy is in effect at Our Lady Help of Christians CES.

The policy is as follows: Students who bring a cell phone to school are not permitted to use it during the instructional day (8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.).   Student cell phones are to be off and invisible for the duration of the day. They are not to be taken out or left to ring/vibrate in pockets or in desks. Progressive discipline measures will be applied to students who do not adhere to this policy, and parents will be contacted. 

Students who need to use the telephone to call a parent will be able to use the office telephone. Similarly, if a parent needs to contact their child during the school day, they are invited to contact the school office and the staff will be able to assist. Parents are kindly asked to review these expectations with their children.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and partnership in creating an optimal learning environment for students.