OLHC Allergy Awareness Information

This is a reminder for all our families that in order to ensure the safety of all our students, Our Lady Help of Christians CES is an “allergy safe” school. In order to establish and maintain an allergy safe environment with respect to various life-threatening allergies, the following steps will be in place this year:

  • Nuts/Nut Products/Nut-byproducts are not permitted at school. Parents are asked to check labels carefully to ensure that all food items brought to school are compliant. 
  • Specific classrooms will be asked not to bring lunches/snacks containing other common allergens (fish, dairy, sesame seeds, egg) if there is a life threatening allergy in that class. Individual classroom letters will be shared with parents in the first week of school.
  • Food sharing (sharing of snacks/lunches/treats) is not permitted at school. This includes sharing of food items/candy/treats for holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Valentines) or birthday celebrations. Only non-food items will be allowed for these types of celebrations, and parents are strongly encouraged to discuss this with the classroom teacher in advance of sending in such items for distribution.
  • All lunches/snacks will be eaten indoors; there is no food permitted outside at recess.
  • If there is a special celebration/initiative organized by the school (Pancake Tuesday, Hot Lunch, Snack Program) parents will be notified in advance of the details and ingredient lists. Parents/Guardians who wish for their child not to participate in such events are asked to notify the classroom teacher. 

We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we work together to ensure a safe environment for all our students.